Open-source medical technologies designed to automize the medical industry.
Research & development of Artificial Intelligence for detection, early detection and drug discovery.
Research & development of open-source Internet of Things for medical and healthcare automation.
Research & development of open-source Virtual/Augmented & Mixed Reality applications.
In loving memory of Peter Edward Moss, 5th Aug 1939 - 24th Aug 2019, who bravely battled Acute Myeloid Leukaemia . A loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather.
Easy access to free information about Leukaemia and how to live with it can make the experience a little easier
Open-source medical technologies can automate the healthcare/medical industry and bring down the cost of treatment for patients
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia was completely missed in a blood test one month before Peter's diagnosis
Indentifying new candidates for drugs is the key to key to fighting Leukaemia
An open-source facial recognition agent for the HIAS network
A collection of open-source classifiers for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
An open-source proof of concept GPT-3 Leukaemia information assistant
An open-source Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia detection system for Oculus Rift
Striving to make the world a better place through modern technologies.
We believe that open-technology and collaboration can lead to finding the cure for Leukaemia.
Want to use your skills and knowledge to make the world a better place?
Help raise awareness by supporting us on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Medium, Youtube and Instagram.
Help raise awareness by sharing your story about your experience with Leukaemia with the community
Volunteer your time and skills by joining us as a software developer, content creator, social media marketer or medical advisor
Partner with us and us in our mission to fight Leukaemia with open information and open technology
Help us fund our mission by making a donation that will go towards expenses, research, equipment and services
Support our mission by sponsoring our events and research, or by sponsoring us with technology