HIAS = Hospital Intelligent Automation Server

Hospital Intelligent Automation Server

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The Hospital Intelligent Automation System server powers an intelligent network providing secure access to devices on the network via a proxy. These devices/applications and databases all run and communicate on the local network. This means that premises have more control and security when it comes to their hardware, data and storage.


HIAS = Hospital Intelligent Automation Server
HIAS = Hospital Intelligent Automation Server
HIAS = Hospital Intelligent Automation Server
HIAS = Hospital Intelligent Automation Server
HIAS = Hospital Intelligent Automation Server
HIAS = Hospital Intelligent Automation Server


HIAS Core is an open-source Hospital Automation Server designed to control and manage a network of intelligent IoT connected devices and applications. The server hosts a secure UI allowing the provisioning of HIAS devices and applications, managing and controlling the connected devices and applications, and reviewing/utilizing data collected from the network for automation.

Included in HIAS Core is a local MQTT and a local AMQP Broker providing secure machine to machine/application communication. The server also hosts a private Ethereum Blockchain used for permissions and data integrity, a private Context Broker (HIASCDI) based on the NGSI V2 specifications, and a private Historical Broker (HIASHDI). Network data is stored in the Historical and Context Brokers which utilize a private MongoDB database. This means that premises have more control and security when it comes to their hardware, data and storage.

HIAS Core also homes a facial recognition server and Natural Language Understanding Engine that act as a Intelligent Assistant, able to monitor and control devices in the location the server is installed in.

All HIAS network devices run on the local network and are accessible via the internet through the HIAS Core secure reverse proxy or the secure m2m communication brokers. Network devices include AI Agents (Diagnostics, Facial Recognition/Identification, Natural Language Understanding etc), IoT devices (environment monitors, smart electronics etc), Virtual & Mixed Reality devices (Oculus Rift/Magic Leap) and Brain Computer Interfaces. All of these devices produce and consume historical and contextual data which is stored in HIAS Core and used to train AI models used to automate the management and control of HIAS network devices.

HIAS network devices and applications are a range of open-source, modular devices that can be provisioned via the HIAS UI, these devices are completely free, and include:

  • - Medical diagnostics systems.
  • Data analysis systems.
  • Computer Vision and Natural Language Understanding systems.
  • Virtual and Mixed Reality systems.
  • Robotics.
  • Brain Computer Interfaces.
  • Users can also program their own devices and applications and connect them to the network.

Connecting Europe Facility

We are proud to be collaborating with the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF/CEF Digital) for the HIAS/HIASCDI project. CEF is a European Union initiative facilitating the delivery of digital public services across Europe.

You can find out more about our collaboration with CEF on the video from CEF's CEF Context Broker in action - Explore the implementation journeys of Context Broker event, and our success story


We are proud to be in collaboration with FIWARE with HIASCDI. HIASCDI is based on the FIWARE NGSI V2 specification and through the development of our implementation we have worked closely with FIWARE.

You can read more about our implementation of the NGSI V2 Context Broker and our collaboration with FIWARE in our success story

With the support and guidance of CEF and FIWARE, we are working towards a full feature and fully compliant Python implementation of an NGSI V2 Context Broker.


The Asociación de Investigacion en Inteligencia Artificial Para la Leucemia Peter Moss encourages and welcomes code contributions, bug fixes and enhancements from the Github community.

Ways to contribute

The following are ways that you can contribute to this project:

Please read the CONTRIBUTING document for a full guide to forking our repositories and submitting your pull requests. You will also find information about our code of conduct on this page.

You can also join in with, or create, a discussion in our Github Discussionarea.


All contributors to this project are listed below.


We use SemVer for versioning.


This project is licensed under the **MIT License** - see the LICENSE file for details.

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