Magic Leap 1 COVID-19 Detection System



The Magic Leap 1 COVID-19 Detection System 2020 uses Tensorflow 2, Raspberry Pi 4 & Magic Leap 1 to provide a spatial computing detection system.

The project uses the COVID-19 Tensorflow DenseNet Classifier a Tensorflow implementation of DenseNet and the SARS-COV-2 Ct-Scan Dataset, a large dataset of CT scans for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) identification created by our partners at Lancaster University, Plamenlancaster: Professor Plamen Angelov Centre Director @ Lira, & his researcher, Eduardo Soares PhD.

We use the trained model from COVID-19 Tensorflow DenseNet Classifier with the COVID-19 Tensorflow DenseNet Classifier For Raspberry Pi 4 and serve an API endpoint that exposes the Artificial Intelligence classifier allowing Magic Leap 1 to communicate with it.
